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a beautiful adventure at Inle Lake


Join a lively yet relaxing full-day tour that takes you biking, boating and kayaking around Myanmar’s stunning Inle Lake and through its colourful surrounding communities. Away from the crowds, cycle along quiet narrow paths through a secret bamboo forest and remote village. Journey by boat through canals and enjoy lunch served at a special Shan House. Gently kayak through a maze of floating gardens and explore the local stilt villages in the cooler afternoon temperatures. This full day of unique adventure will have you experiencing the hidden side of Inle.


[showimage url1=”https://dth.stagingurls.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Inle-Lake.jpg” url2=”https://dth.stagingurls.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Inle-Lake-01.jpg”]


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