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Diethelm Travel Thailand tour guide training 2018


Diethelm Travel Thailand’s 4-day tour guide training for 2018 was successfully held at the Bangkok headquarters from 23-26 April.

Soinapa Pankong, a national trainer of WFDCA, World Heritage Specialist Guide (USNESCO) and Secretary General of Tourism Thailand who has over 30 years of tourism experience, helped lead the training to all of Diethelm Travel 2:24 PMThailand’s guide members.

The training focused on both comprehensive knowledge and practices on the following topics:

  1. Technical Guide Skills
    • Paces & volume
    • How to speak and body language
    • Do’s & Don’ts
    • Guiding in coach/regulated sites/museums/religious sites/heritage sites
    • Walking tours
  2. Effective communications
  3. History & culture
  4. Story of Guiding World Heritage Sites


[showimage url1=”https://dth.stagingurls.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/THAILAND-GUIDE-TRAINING-IMG1.jpg” url2=”https://dth.stagingurls.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/THAILAND-GUIDE-TRAINING-IMG2.jpg”]

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