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Barcelona’s Luis Suarez is wanting more


Luis Suarez, one of the world’s top footballers with an estimated net worth of $40 million, signed a partnership with Tourism Malaysia last year and was treated to a few local dishes as part of a promotional video.

In the video posted on the Malaysia Truly Asia YouTube account, the 31-year-old FC Barcelona forward tried out five of Malaysia’s most well-loved foods – roti canai, satay, char kway teow, nasi lemak and popiah.

Malaysia’s humble satay dish managed to put a bright smile on Luis Suarez’s face and left him wanting more. “It’s really good, really,” said Suarez.

While the spiciness of the popiah made him cough and reach out for a drink, he had good reviews for all the dishes, stating that char kway teow is a dish he would easily enjoy daily, and that nasi lemak was a complete and balanced dish.

Resourced from Business Insider

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