Kbal Spean, Banteay Srei, Banteay Samre Temple Visit

Siem Reap, Cambodia

Ancient architecture lost to time and nature. Go on an adventure to discover the secret temples of Cambodia's jungles.

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An Overview of Your Adventure

This adventure begin with a trek through the jungle to Kbal Spean, the “River of a Thousand Lingas,” revealing hidden Hindu carvings beneath the clear waters. You’ll also explore the mesmerizing Banteay Srei Temple, a pink sandstone masterpiece with intricate carvings that tell tales of Khmer culture. Then, at last, you’ll delve into Banteay Samre Temple, a Khmer-Hindu fusion showcasing divine deities.

Highlights of This Journey

A quick overview to make the most of your stay.

  • Discover the intricate carvings that line the Kbal Spean riverbed.
  • Admire ancient precision and craftsmanship of Khmer artisans.
  • Get a unique look at how Khmer and Hindu architecture blends at the Banteay Samre.

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