Hue Microadventure and The Citadel

Hue, Vietnam

Discover royal history in Hue: Purple City, Imperial ride, and local dinner. An enthralling mini adventure!

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An Overview of Your Adventure

With a stroll through the Purple Forbidden City and a traditional rickshaw ride across the enormous Imperial City, go on an enthralling mini adventure through Vietnam’s royal past. Discover this historical site’s rich legacy, lifestyle, and local charm before eating a wonderful home-cooked supper in the calm Kim Long town.


Highlights of This Journey

A quick overview to make the most of your stay.

  • Explore the must-see Forbidden City and learn about royal life.
  • Enjoy a scenic bicycle ride around the Citadel and to a historic village.
  • At the "shophouse" of a nice family, sample the most traditional Hue cuisine.

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